Thursday, July 21, 2011

Yes, My Office Is Better Than Yours

Welcome to my happy place.

Since words can't describe the places I work, I thought a little photo essay would be the best way to get my message across, that message being: If you don't work in archaeology, you should probably deeply reconsider your career choice, because I can't imagine a more exhilarating job. These pictures were all taken on the job, during my work day, which is why I am quite certain I have the best office in the world.

Are you jealous yet?

LinkHow about now?

Okay, so SOMETIMES your office may be more glamorous than mine, but does your office include an always stocked fridge of beer and vodka? A spoon full of vodka helps the data-basing go down!

Next up, an inside look at the hustle and bustle of Cide, the Yali Otel lifestyle, and the ever exciting Cide Festival Pirate Viking Ship expierence. Stay tuned.


1 comment:

  1. though i've been envious of your clothes, fashion sense, brains, name and nuclear family (ish), i've never felt more sibling... contempt than now :P it's not rivalry, as you're eons ahead of me in the game of life (aka grownup job), we will never rival for anything i'm sure... but right now i'd like to pinch you very hard, or stretch out your favourite pair of heels... b/c i'm feeling a smidge green with envy. i love you, i hope we can overcome this...

